Shadowrun character sheet 4e
Shadowrun character sheet 4e

shadowrun character sheet 4e

Blind Fighting reduces the penalties for full darkness modifiers to –4 (rather than –6). Adepts or mystic adepts who also possess the berserker disadvantage from a mentor spirit will find this power triggers automatically when they become berserk.Ī character with Blind Fighting has a mystical “sixth sense” that allows him to fight effectively even when deprived of vision. After Berserk wears off, the character’s attributes return to normal. All relevant dice pools and Physical and Stun damage tracks are modified for the duration of the power. Berserk adepts gain +1 to all of their Physical attribute ratings but also lower all of their Mental attribute ratings by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for (Magic) minutes. While under the effect of the Berserk power, the adept is subject to frenzied bloodlust and will go after opponent(s) without regard for his own safety.


The attribute bonus from Attribute Boost is not compatible with any other attribute augmentations, whether from implants or spells, with the exception of the Improved Physical Attribute adept power.Ī character with the Berserk power has the ability to voluntarily trigger a berserk state (with a Free Action) and enhance his physical abilities at the cost of a temporary loss of mental faculties and sensory acuity. When the boost runs out, you must resist Drain equal to the Attribute Boost rating using Willpower + Body each hit reduces the Drain Value by one. Attribute Boost requires a Simple Action to activate. No attribute may be boosted past its maximum augmented value (p. The boost lasts for a number of Combat Turns equal to the twice the number of hits generated. Each hit on this test boosts the attribute by 1. To gain the boost, make a Magic + (Attribute Boost) Test. It cannot be purchased for a Mental or Special attribute. Attribute Boost must be purchased for a specific Physical attribute: Agility, Body, Reaction, or Strength (separate Attribute Boost powers may be bought for different attributes). You can call upon your inner strength to perform amazing feats beyond your normal abilities. Adepts with this power follow all the normal rules for astral perception (p. This power allows the adept to bridge the gap between the physical and astral realms and “see” into the astral plane. Each level of Animal Empathy adds one die to the character’s dice pool for tests involving the handling of animals, as well as attempts to frighten or intimidate animals. It is also possible that a puzzle may not be solvable simply because crucial information has not yet been uncovered (though it may make the subject aware of this).Īn adept with this power gains a preternatural affinity with non-sapient animals (both normal and paranormal). While it may certainly help a character to isolate an overlooked fact, decipher a coded message, or identify an area of research not yet pursued, it may also introduce possibilities that are unlikely or red herrings. Note that gamemasters should not allow this power to be an instant problem solver. This power provides a +1 dice pool modifier per level to any test involving pattern recognition, evidence analysis, or solving puzzles or logical problems. It is especially useful for clue-hunting and evidence analysis, providing the subject with amazing deductive powers. Analytics improves the adept’s logical ability to detect and analyze patterns, puzzles, and ciphers.

Shadowrun character sheet 4e